Saturday 25 January 2014

Walkthrough: Escape Challenge. All Levels

Escape Challenge Level 1

Escape Challenge Level 1

Escape Challenge Level 1 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
  • Check the drawer on the left and you can see 2134.
  • Tap 2134 into the lock on the upper level of the drawer and collect a torch light from there.
  • Now check the painting on the right, and you can reveal a clue from inside.
  • Now use torch to check below the sofa and you can collect a key from there.
  • Use the key to open door.

Escape Challenge Level 2

Escape Challenge Level 2

Escape Challenge Level 2

Escape Challenge Level 2 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
  • Check the clock on top of the door and you can see the time is 2.35.
  • Now tap the cabinet on the left, tap in 0235 and open it to collect a key.
  • Now use the key to unlock the cabinet on the right.
  • Collect a small piece of toy with yellow color.
  • Now check lower level of the cabinet and you can see 2103.
  • Now back to second level and change the puzzle equal to 2103.
  • Collect a another toy with green color.
  • Now check the painting on the left, and collect a toy with blue color.
  • Now place both 3 toys into the cabinet on the left, collect the key and open door.

Escape Challenge Level 3

Escape Challenge Level 3

Escape Challenge Level 3

Escape Challenge Level 3 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
  • Check the plant on the left and you can see number 2 red.
  • Check the laptop on the right can see number 4 blue.
  • Now check the cabinet on the right, can see number 5 and collect a screwdriver from there.
  • Now check the ornaments on the rack, you can see number 3 yellow.
  • Now use screwdriver to open the red color ornaments and collect a key.
  • Tap the box on bottom left, tap in 5243(numbers arrange by following the color).
  • Collect another yellow key from inside and use it to open the cabinet on the right.
  • Now use silver key to open the panel on the floor and collect a gold color key.
  • Use gold color key to open the box inside the cabinet on the right.
  • Collect a blue color key from there and open door.

    Escape Challenge Level 4

    Escape Challenge Level 4

    Escape Challenge Level 4

    Escape Challenge Level 4 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
    • Move to right and play the puzzle on bottom.
    • Answer is 168 (12×14), and collect the thumbdrive.
    • Now back to middle, check the rack on the right and collect a small piece of triangle.
    • Check below the rack and collect a pliers.
    • Now insert usb into the right drawer of the small desk on the left.
    • Open it and collect a hook from inside.
    • Now move to the left, check below the table and use the hook as a key to unlock the box.
    • Use pliers to cut the rope and collect the key.
    • Back to middle, use key to unlock the left drawer on the small desk and collect another peice of triangle.
    • Now place both triangle in to the box below the rack on the right, and collect a remote from there.
    • Now move to left, use remote to open the cover on the bottom left.
    • Collect a green color key and use it to open door.

    Escape Challenge Level 5

    Escape Challenge Level 5

    Escape Challenge Level 5

    Escape Challenge Level 5 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
    • Check the chest on the left.
    • From the formula on the left we can see D=1, U=3, V=4, O=6.
    • So tap 1346 + 3641 into the right panel and collect an egg.
    • Now open the curtain on the left and play the puzzle.
    • Collect an egg from there and reveal a clue for next step.
    • Tap the skull on the right, tap skull’s eye and change to correct answer by following the clue just now.
    • Collect a key from there and use it to open the the box on bottom right.
    • Collect an egg from there too.
    • Now place 3 egg onto middle and pull the lever.
    • Collect a gold color key from below and use to open door.

    Escape Challenge Level 6

    Escape Challenge Level 6

    Escape Challenge Level 6

    Escape Challenge Level 6 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
    • Check below the table on the left, move printer and you can collect a key.
    • Now use the key to open the drawer below the TV and collect a remote and a needle.
    • Use remote to turn on the TV and you can see 9:3:12.
    • Now check the basket below the TV, and you can see 3147.
    • Tap the toy beside TV, check with 3147 and you will know orange, yellow, red and blue.
    • Now move to right and check the cabinet, tap and change the color to orange, yellow, red and blue.
    • Collect a handle from there and move to left room again.
    • Use the handle to open the cover beside the door and collect a blue color button.
    • Now collect a red color button on bottom left.
    • Now move to right again, check the box beside the cabinet.
    • Tap and check the blue light and you can see there is 3 different panel.
    • Insert the needle into middle, set both like clock 9,3,12.
    • Now place red and blue button on it, open and collect a key from below.
    • Now move to left, use key to unlock the chest behind the plant and collect a red color key.
    • Use red color key to open door.

    Escape Challenge Level 7

    Escape Challenge Level 7

    Escape Challenge Level 7

    Escape Challenge Level 7 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
    • Check the painting on the right.
    • Tap the floor below the sofa and play the puzzle, answer is showing in the painting.
    • Collect a handle from inside, and collect another beside the sofa.
    • Now use both handle to open the cover on the left and collect a screwdriver.
    • Use screwdriver to open the small cabinet and collect a key.
    • Use key to open the cabinet on the left.
    • The box is showing DDxC. A=1, B=2, C=3 and D=4.
    • So 44 x 3 = 132.
    • Tap in 132 to unlock the box and use collect a key to open door.

    Escape Challenge Level 8

    Escape Challenge Level 8

    Escape Challenge Level 8

    Escape Challenge Level 8 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
    • Check the upper part of the cabinet on the right.
    • The clue is showing 5483 if you look carefully.
    • Tap in 5483 and collect a red color block.
    • Place it into the slot beside the cabinet.
    • Now check the lower part, it is showing degrees.
    • So tap and change to 135, 180 and 45 degrees to open it.
    • Collect a green color block and insert to another slot on the right.
    • Now check the upper part of the cabinet on the left.
    • Play the puzzle by spinning it and collect a star shape block.
    • Insert it into the slow beside the cabinet too.
    • Now check the lower part.
    • The puzzle is asking how many side of each shape.
    • Answer is 3, 2, 1, 5 and 4.
    • Tap in and open it to collect a blue color block.
    • Insert into the slot too.
    • Now tap the ball in the middle and it will turn on the power.
    • Collect a key from top and use it to open door.

    Escape Challenge Level 9

    Escape Challenge Level 9

    Escape Challenge Level 9

    Escape Challenge Level 9 Walkthrough for iPhone, iPad Android to help you solved this level.
    • Check the box on the left and you can see 2131.
    • Now check the cabinet on the right and tap in 2131.
    • Collect a screwdriver from inside.
    • Use screwdriver to open the panel beside the water pump and collect a green color key.
    • Use green color key to open the cage on the left and collect a faucet handle.
    • Replace the faucet handle onto the water pump.
    • Now check there are 4 different colors logo around.
    • Beside the water pump, beside the statue on the left, on the wood above the well and last one inside one of the hold in the well.
    • So now can tap the lower part of the cabinet, and set both logo into correct colors.
    • Collect a pail from inside, collect water from water pump and fill the well.
    • Repeat few times and you can collect a key.
    • Use the key to open door.

Walkthrough: Reunion

Try to hire the middle people as advisors. The cheaper ones are basically
useless. When you have the money, upgrade the scientist and the fighter. 
It is generally cheaper to upgrade the scientist than to retrain him 4 
To contact the Jenossians, as soon as the planet Jade becomes visible   
to your astronomers send a TRADE group there. (not a satellite carrier).
The Jennosians will make contact with you and offer you an improved trade 
ship. Later they will offer you an artifact for a price. Take it. It 
turns out to be a hyperdrive unit. When they contact you about helping them 
fight the morgals agree to help. There is not much that you can do, but they 
then give you the plans to the Hunter and the Laser Cannon.
Start building as many Hunters as you can.
If you have about 10 Hunters and the middle "fighter" advisor, you should 
overcome the first morgal attack.
When the Morgals kill off the Jennosians send a trade group to Jade and 
land on the planet. This enables you to find a radio transmitter that is 
helpful later on.
To defend your planet, put all of the fighters in the New Earth
Defence Force group. This means that they will defend your planet
When you can, build a galleon and send it to the Pheonix System, planet
three. You will meet with the Kalls and some sort of alliance is formed.
When Pheonix Five becomes visible do the same thing. This time you will
meet the Phelonians.
Try to set up a base on Pheonix Two. You will lose it due to radiation 
sickness but this allows you to develop the radiation shield. Set up 
another colony on Pheonix two, this time with the R-shield. Set up an 
observatory and you will find the planet pheonix-one. Send a trade ship 
there and you will capture a Morgal ship in distress. Tell them that the 
Kalls are fighting them and then let them go. 

Doing this forces the Kalls to begin fighting the Morgals. Otherwise
the ally themselves and you are attacked by both. (they also kill the  
phelonians).  This must be done before Nov 2928
You can survive past this date but from here on in the Morgal attack
forces seem to grow faster than you can produce defence forces. Also,
their military advisor becomes more competent, making it harder for you
to win.

When you get the opportunity send a satellite carrier over to planet 2, 
moon 2 of the Mirach system and scan the surface. This gives you more 
You have to keep building military hardware to survive. 
The Morgals attack your home planet with regularity. The only way I have
found to overcome them is to invade their home planet (Mirach 3). When
you destroy their home planet, all the colonies go as well! You will need
several units (1 unit = thirty tanks/troopers) to take Mirach 3. When you
launch your ground assault the Kalls also join in to help.


I have received a surprising amount of mail asking how to attack. Here
is an example of what you do to attack.

Okay, you need to create an army group. Select new group and then click
with the mouse until it says army. Name it whatever you want (mine was
always STARFLEET). Now shift all your military assets into this group.

The first screen will hold Hunters, Fighters, Destroyers and Eventually
carriers. On the Far right is a red arrow pointing down. Click on this
and you will come up with a similar screen. But here you can put Troopers,
Battletanks, (eventually) Aircraft and Missile Launchers.

Once you have put together the equipped group take off. Wander over to a
morgal planet. (lets say jade for this example.) Don't land!
Okay, you arrive. Click on the "planets" icon. You should see a
representation of the Jade system. Over in the right you should see
a picture of a planet with a RED arrow around it. (your fleet). Click
on your fleet and then the attack icon should appear.

You will not need as many starfighters/hunters/destroyers as you might
think. All you have to do is take out the space forces on Mirach 3. The
hardest part of taking any planet is the ground battle. When doing this

I have had a report that you find the aircraft here. You may have to
wait until the morgals develop this technology. I haven't got the
aircraft yet. I haven't had time to replay the game!

When you defeat the Morgals you find the co-ordinates of three more systems.
Two of these systems contain an alien alliance called "the League". As soon
as you turn up in a trade group to a League planet the whole League decide
decide to attack you.
After having the same problem with the League that I had with the Morgals
I loaded a game where I had just defeated the Morgals but hadn't explored
the three new systems. I then made up an army of about 450 tanks, 50 
troopers, 20 Destroyers, 200 Starfighters and 100 Hunters. (this took a 
while). I then, using my satellite carriers, located the "League" worlds,
and, using the spy in "local", worked out each race's main planet. I then
took my army group in and destroyed the league. 
The Morgal that appears in the bar is useful for finding minerals and other
When you destroy the League you will find the new Rigel System.

When you explore the Rigel System you find some interesting stuff on
the first planet. This enables you to develop some new technology that
finds a new race. One that is finally nice to you.

They give you the co-ordinates to the sol system. Again I decided to
build up a force (this time with the newly invented missile launcher).
Also it is an idea to arm your destroyers with the plasma cannons. 

I then, after I had built up my force, sent in my spy-satellite group
and scanned planet earth. As soon as I had detected an alien presence
there, I sent in my army group. The earthlings declared war (what else?).

I took about 400 missile launchers into the last battle, only to realise
that I could only field about 80. :-) It didn't matter, I kicked their

Walkthrough for Escape from Mystery House

Escape from Mystery House Walkthrough

This is the full walkthrough with solutions, hints, tips, tricks, screen-prints and detailed explanations to the puzzles. This walkthrough is based on the Windows PC version, but will be applicable to the same game on the other platforms as well. 

About Escape from Mystery House: The 367th escape game from You have been trapped inside Mystery House and have to escape from the place. Use the clues and objects to come out of this place.

Walkthrough starts here

You start in the lounge in the mystery house: 

On the shelf next to the dog is a bottle of water. Pick it up. 

There is a cupboard that needs a key. There is a cupboard that will open with a combination. The front door will open with a 5 letter word! 

Let’s go and find the key, the code, and the five letter word… 

Go left. 

We are now in the second lounge. 

Take the white paperweight from the small coffee table. 

Take the blue book from the table. 

Zoom in on the black shelves with the photo frames. You will find a key behind the flower. 

Use the key to open the cupboard on your right. Take the mouse

Look at the mouse and click it to turn it around. There is a code: 231 

Go 2 rooms to your right. You are now in the bedroom. 

Take the keyboard from the shelf. Look at the keyboard. Looks like a code! 1 345 789. 

The numbers 2,6 and 0 are missing? 

Take the 4 coloured pens from the yellow cup. 

Take the locker from the shelf. 

Go back to the lounge where you started. Open the white cupboard with the mouse code – 231. 

Take the red lollipop from inside. 

Look at the lollipop and use the paperweight to crush it. 

You will see a code: Green, Red, and Yellow inside. 

Go to the bedroom and open the cupboard with the colour code Yellow Red Green: 

Take the ink filler from inside. 

Open the blue book in your inventory and use the 4 coloured pens on it. 

Now you can solve the puzzle. The 4 pens plus the 8 blocks = 12

Open the blue drawer in the bedroom with the code 12: 

Take the lighter and a silver key from the drawer. 

Go to the lounge and open the brown cupboard with the silver key. 

Take the map from it. 

Go right to the kitchen: 

Take the red book from the table. Read the book to find the code 311. 

Take the “311” from the book. 

Look at the lighter in your inventory then burn the “311” to get a new code: 894 

Open the tin in your inventory and unlock with the code 894.

Take the saltwater car from the tin. 

Take the salt from the top drawer next to the stove. 

Take the stick from the shelf. 

Open the brown cupboard with the “mouse” code: 231. 

Take the glass from the cupboard. 

Look at the glass in your inventory. 

Use the water on it. Tap the water to unscrew and fill the glass. 

Add salt to the water. 

Use the stick to mix. 

Use the ink filler from the top of the glass to fill it with saltwater. 

Take the ink filler back to your inventory. 

Look at the salt water car and use the ink filler to fill it with salt water. 

Look at the map. 

If you see only a blank map, then drag-and-drop the map from your inventory onto the blank map. 

You should see the world: 

Use the salt water car on the map. It will drive a around and stop at INDIA

Go to the lounge and zoom in on the door. 

Win the game by typing INDIA at the selectors: 

Well done! Another GREAT ESCAPE solved.

Thursday 23 January 2014

File No. 009: Good Cop, Bad Cop. Walkthrough: Layton Brothers: Mystery Room

File No. 009: Good Cop, Bad Cop

Overview: The strange events at Forbodium Castle continue, inspired by what happened here four years ago.  Lucy finally locates Alfendi, but there are now two murders that must be solved.
  • You begin this case where File No. 008 left off: Lucy is wandering Forbodium Castle, looking for Alfendi.
  • Tap on the door area to enter a corridor.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in and tap on Passageway Door.
  • Lucy will make her way through the tower to Alfendi after hearing a gunshot.
  • Hilda catches up to the two of you and asks “Who killed Diane?”
  • Select “Alfendi Layton.”  Hilda won’t accept the other answers.
  • After a discussion about the prior events at Forbodium Castle, Lucy is tasked with figuring out what really happened four years ago and tonight—who killed both Keelan and Diane.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Three deductions open up: “Keelan’s corpse,” “Who shot Diane?” and “Al’s witness.”
  • Let’s start with “Keelan’s corpse.”
  • Slide to the left and tap on the corpse farthest from the tower’s stairwell.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in; tap on Keelan’s Corpse.
  • You’re then tasked with finding the gun that killed Makepeace.
  • Zoom out and tap on Alfendi’s body near the stairs.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom in and tap on Al’s Gun.  Select “Here’s the weapon!”
  • To question “Which statement doesn’t tie up with Keelan Makepeace’s body?” select “Hilda Pertinax Statement 2.”
  • This resolves the first deduction.  Select “Al’s witness” next.
  • Move to Alfendi’s body near the stairs.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Half-Dead Al.
  • You need to pinpoint where Al was standing.
  • Tap on the red marker, Al’s Location and select “Al was here!”
  • To question “Which statement doesn’t tie up with where Al was standing?” select “Hilda Pertinax Statement 1.”
  • This resolves “Al’s witness.”  Select “Who shot Diane?”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • The castle has multiple floors and towers.  Use the green tower icon to move down a floor.
  • Tap the orange tap that correlates to the fourth floor, where Diane was killed.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Slide to the left and tap on Diane’s body.
  • Tap Diane’s Corpse.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in. 
  • Tap on Diane’s Gun.
  • Tap on Unidentified Gun.
  • Alfendi comments he’s figured out where the shot was fired from.  Zoom out from this close-up.
  • Tap the stairs to the north-west of Diane’s body.
  • Tap Stairs to Rooftop and select “It was shot from here.”  This resolves deduction “Who shot Diane?” for now.

  • Two new deductions open up.  Select “Hilda’s untruth.”
  • To question “Why is there an inconsistency in Hilda’s statement?” select “Makepeace wasn’t shot.”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “What did the bullet associated with the first gunshot hit?” select “Half-dead Al.”
  • To question “If Al was shot with the first bullet, which statement can’t be true?” select “Justin Lawson Statement 2.”
  • To question “What proof is there that Justin and Makepeace were partners in crime?” select “Case report” (the one with missing files).
  • Alfendi accuses Justin of working with and murdering Makepeace.  This deduction is resolved. 
  • Select “West Tower rooftop.”
  • You need to find a secret way to the West Tower roof.
  • This mystery is not solvable yet—tap on any item and select “This is the evidence!”
  • Alfendi reverts to normal and admits he is the killer, after all.  Hilda explains the situation further...and Lucy becomes even more determined to solve the mystery.
  • A new deduction opens up: “The final mystery.”  Select this.
  • You can now explore the castle again and investigate objects even if they don’t have a marker.
  • On the fifth floor of the central tower, tap on the ivy on the outside wall.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • In the close-up, tap on the area of ivy that is broken to add Broken Ivy into evidence.
  • Tap on Alfendi’s portrait in the deductions menu.
  • To question “Who was the mastermind behind the serial killings of four years ago?” select “Justin Lawson.”
  • The deduction portrait will change to Justin.  Tap on him.
  • To question “Who fired the first shot at Forbodium Castle four years ago?” select “Keelan Makepeace.”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “Who did Makepeace shoot with the first shot fired four years ago?” select “Alfendi Layton.”
  • To question “Who fired the two shots on the West Tower rooftop?” select “Justin Lawson.”
  • To question “Who was hit by the two shots fired on the West Tower rooftop?” select “Keelan Makepeace.”
  • To question “Which evidence shows Justin is guilty?” select “Broken ivy.”
  • To question “What’s the crucial point that gives Justin away?” select “Where the ivy was growing.”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “Where on Justin’s body is the evidence?” select “All over.”
  • After a final round of accusations and proof, Justin admits to both crimes.  The case (and game) is solved!

File No. 008: Ham and Cheese. Walkthrough: Layton Brothers: Mystery Room

File No. 008: Ham and Cheese

Overview: Upon arriving at Forbodium Castle, Lucy is cornered by Diane and asked to solve a case from a past crime.  Lucy must figure out the truth about Pig’s murder in order to leave the room she’s trapped within.
  • Lucy begins this case alone, in a reconstructed room with a set of crime scene photos.
  • Her first three deductions are: “No statements?” “Who’s the culprit?” and “Murder weapon?”
  • Let’s start with “Murder weapon?”  Lucy needs to find the cause of death first.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Pig’s body.
  • Tap on Forensics Report 1 and select “Here’s the proof!”
  • Lucy needs to find the murder weapon that was used to whack Pig.
  • Zoom out and tap on the table next to Pig.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Ashtray and select “Here’s the weapon!”  The “Murder weapon?” deduction has been solved.
  • Select “No statements?” next.
  • Tap on the desk.
  • Tap on Wallet.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom about halfway in and tap on Drawer to open it.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Statements to enter them into evidence.
  • Lucy will read through the statements one by one.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “Who’s made a false statement?” select “Hen Statement 2.”  This solves the “No statements?” deduction.
  • Select “Who’s the culprit?”
  • Tap the table with the loudspeaker where you first spoke to Diane.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap the Fishy Button and select “Press the button.”  Lucy learns the button is used to call Diane when she’s figured out the culprit; Fishy Button becomes Buzzer.
  • Tap on Buzzer and select “Press the button.”  Lucy automatically claims Hen is the culprit.
  • Diane dresses up as Hen for the interrogation.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “Pick the two pieces of evidence that prove Hen lied in her statement,” select “Hen enters the room” and “Hen exits the room.”
  • To question “Which piece of evidence shows Hen’s motive for killing Pig?” select “Wallet.”
  • After this line of questioning, Diane confirms Hen did not kill Pig.  You receive a new deduction, “Is Hen innocent?”
  • Select “Is Hen innocent?”
  • You need to find what proves that Hen isn’t the killer.
  • Tap on the table near Pig’s body.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Use the camera icon to zoom in and tap on Cigarette Butt.
  • To question “What is the latest possible time the killer could have struck Pig?” select “12:42 Donkey and Dog exit the room.”
  • Select the final deduction, “Who’s the culprit?”
  • Tap on the plant area to the left of Pig.
  • Tap on Hatstand to enter it into evidence.
  • Zoom out.  Return to the loudspeaker table and press the Buzzer.
  • To question “Who killed Pig?” select “Dog.”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “When did Dog kill Pig?” select “12:16 Dog enters room.”
  • To question “What did Dog do with the body?” select “Hid it.”
  • To question “Where was the victim’s body hidden?” select “Hatstand.”
  • To question “Which statement gives a clue as to where the body was hidden?” select “Donkey Statement 2.”
  • To question “What did Dog have the opportunity to do that Donkey did not?” select “Move the body onto the sofa.”
Lucy finishes interrogating Dog and uncovers the truth.  Diane opens the door and this case is solved!


File No. 007: The Mystery Rooms. Walkthrough: Layton Brothers: Mystery Room

File No. 007: The Mystery Rooms

Overview: An agent friend of Alfendi’s has tracked down Etista from Case No. 004 to a cellar filled with secret rooms.  Lucy and Alfendi will have to find Etista’s hiding spot and face the girl in person.
  • You have one goal/deduction upon starting this unique case: “Where’s the secret room?”
  • Tap on the bookshelf.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on any of the books, such as Gran Smith’s Diet.  It appears there’s a correct order to pushing the books in.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in.
  • Tap on Old Note to learn “Bovine comes before swine.”
  • Zoom out and tap on the coffee table.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom in about halfway.
  • Tap on Pointed Note to learn “Hornless is the beast that leads the way.”
  • Tap on Music Box to add a new deduction to your list: “What will make the music box play?”
  • Zoom out and tap on the shelf in the lower-right corner of the room.
  • Tap on Cabinet to add another deduction to your list: “Where’s the cabinet key?”
  • Slide (with two fingers) to the bottom-right of the screen, to a small bedroom.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on the nightstand.
  • Tap on Upper Drawer to open the drawer.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom in all the way and tap on Tweezers.  These will be added into evidence and picked up.
  • Tap on Lower Drawer to open the drawer.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in and tap on Rickety Key.  This will be added into evidence and picked up.
  • Tap on the bed and use the camera icon to zoom all the way in.
  • Tap on Crumpled Note to learn “Swine follows after canine.”
  • Slide up towards the hallway.  Tap on the door in the right-hand wall.
  • Tap on Bathroom Door to add another deduction to the list: “What unlocks the bathroom door?”
  • Tap on Note on Door to learn “WC from three o’clock.”
  • Tap on the clock just north of the bathroom/water closet.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Clock.  Note there is a cat’s face at 3 and an apple at 12.
  • Return to the cabinet in the lower-right corner of the main room.  Tap on Cabinet.
  • To question “Which key fits the cabinet?” select “Rickety key.”
  • The key breaks in the lock.
  • To question “What might you use to extract the broken-off piece of key?” select “Tweezers.”
  • Zoom out and tap on the coffee table area.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom in all the way, and then tap on Music Box. 
  • To question “What might work as a winder for the music box?” select “Broken key.”
  • Lucy opens the Music Box, solving the deduction “What will make the music box play?”
  • Tap on the table again and use the camera icon to zoom in.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Swish Key.
  • Zoom out and tap on the cabinet again.
  • To question “What else might work as a key?” select “Swish key.”
  • The cabinet is now open, revealing a NEW area that can be explored.
  • Tap on the cabinet again.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in, revealing four goblets.
  • Tap on each goblet to take it into evidence: Cow Goblet, Rhino Goblet, Dog Goblet, Pig Goblet.
  • Return to the bookshelf and tap on it to see the protruding books again.
  • Tap on each book and select “Push it in!” in order, starting with “3 o’clock” on the clock’s face.
  • The correct order for the books is: Cat Compendium, Tea Total, Identikit Cars, and Gran Smith’s Diet.
  • The bathroom door is now open.
  • Slide over to the bathroom in the hallway, where two NEW areas have opened up.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on the toilet area.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Smelly Note to learn “Horned is the last beast to go, the flames dying in its wake.”
  • Tap on the bathtub.
  • Tap on Tap; Alfendi asks if Lucy wants to fill something with water.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Select each of the four goblets in your inventory and select OK in turn (you’ll have to fill each one individually).  The order does not matter.
  • After all four goblets are filled with water, return to the main room and tap on the fireplace.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in and tap on Fireplace.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Remembering that “Swine follows after canine,” “Bovine comes before swine,” and “Hornless is the beast that leads the way,” and “Horned is the last beast to go, the flames dying in its wake...”
  • the goblets to pour on the fire in this order: Dog Goblet, Cow Goblet, Pig Goblet, Rhino Goblet.
  • The secret entrance will open.
  • Lucy and Alfendi will meet Etista, and Lucy learns another detail about the Prof.  Case solved!

File No. 006: Kiss Goodbye. Walkthrough: Layton Brothers: Mystery Room

File No. 006: Kiss Goodbye

Overview: Four mobsters are found dead in a locked room, with each death imitating instances of the infamous Jigsaw Puzzle Killings.  Without an initial suspect, Lucy and Alfendi must rely on evidence to track down the culprit.
  • There are no suspects to begin with, so Alfendi has no advice.  You’ll go straight to the deductions screen after the introduction.
  • Let’s start with “The four bodies.”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • There are four bodies to examine.  Tap on the body just above the table, with a TV on his head.
  • Tap on Boyle’s Corpse.  Alfendi says this duplicates the second Jigsaw Puzzle murder.
  • Zoom out and tap on the body on the right side of the screen, just below the pile of boxes.
  • Tap on Sassina’s Corpse.  Alfendi says this duplicates the first Jigsaw Puzzle murder.
  • Zoom out and slide (with two fingers) up and to the left, through the open doorway.

  • Tap on the body in a brown suit in front of the desk.
  • Tap on Agonni’s Corpse.  Alfendi compares this to the fourth Jigsaw Puzzle murder.
  • Tap on the fridge just outside the room.
  • Tap on Refrigerator.  Fassi’s body falls out.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Fassi’s Corpse.  Alfendi compares this to the third Jigsaw Puzzle murder.
  • To the question “Which victim’s death doesn’t follow the pattern of a previous case?” select “Agonni’s corpse.”
  • This solves the first deduction.  Select “The locked room” from the deduction menu.
  • Tape on Sassina’s body near the boxes.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in, and then tap on Beads in the corner.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Tap on Plastic Box.  Alfendi notes they’re looking for the delivery boy and “The missing witness” is added to your deductions.
  • Zoom out and tap on the table in the middle of the room.
  • Tap on Paper Cups.  “The soporific” is added to your deductions.
  • Open the Deductions menu and select “The soporific.”
  • Tap on the table.
  • Tap on Paper Cups.  Alfendi asks “Who didn’t have any of the soporific?”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Select “Severino Agonni.”
  • Alfendi asks “Who’s the culprit?”
  • Select “Severino Agonni.”
  • To question “What evidence points to Agonni being the culprit?” select “Paper cups.”
  • Deduction “The locked room” is now replaced with “Murder or suicide.”
  • Select “Murder or suicide.”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • Slide up to Agonni’s body.  Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in.
  • Tap Tail End of Rope and select “This proves it was suicide.”
  • To question “Agonni used a rope and what else to hang himself?” select “Desk.”
  • To question “What did Agonni use to destroy the rope from which he hung himself?” select “Lighter.”
  • To question “What was used to kill Agonni?” select “Tail end of rope.”
  • A new deduction, “The inconsistency,” opens up.  Select this.
  • You need to find evidence contradictory to the original Jigsaw Puzzle killings.
  • Tap on Sassina’s corpse near the cardboard boxes.
  • Tap on Puzzle Piece.
  • After noticing the strange location of the puzzle piece, the missing witness arrives.  New deduction “Arrest me!” appears.
  • Select “Arrest me!”  Uttar the delivery boy admits to killing all four men.
  • To question “What statement seems to contradict the facts?” select “Uttar Mistry Statement 3.”
  • You need to then point out the specific evidence from the scene that contradicts that statement.
  • Tap on the table and use the camera icon to zoom all the way in.
  • Tap on Wine Bottle Cap.
  • Lucy and Alfendi question Uttar and clarify that he did not drug the gangsters.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “What does the fact that Sassina crushed his puzzle piece tell us?” select “He wasn’t asleep.”
  • You’re then asked to find signs of a woman at the scene.
  • Slide down to Sassina’s body near the boxes.  Tap on his body.
  • Use the camera icon to zoom all the way in.
  • Tap on Beads in the box and select “This is the evidence!”
  • Back at the deduction screen, tap on Uttar’s portrait to interrogate him further.
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “Pick the cards of the two people who could have drugged the wine,” select “Short woman” and “Barbarossa Sassina.”
  • To question “What evidence at the scene shows that Sassina called someone?” select “Telephone.”
  • To question “Who stabbed Sassina?” select “Short woman.”
Layton Brothers: Mystery Room
  • To question “Which statement reveals the moment when Sassina was stabbed?” select “Uttar Mistry Statement 6.”
  • To question “Which clue reveals how the soporific was administered to Sassina?” select “Uttar Mistry Statement 5.”
  • To question “Who was responsible for leaving the door locked from the inside?” select “Barbarossa Sassina.”
  • To question “Why did Sassina lock the door?” select “To escape the woman.”
  • To question “Who causes Sassina to flee back inside?” select “Uttar Mistry.”
  • The final pieces of the puzzle have been put into place and the case is solved!